Dear New Students,
Welcome to the Soochow University family!
Starting a new journey in an unfamiliar place can be overwhelming, and it’s normal to feel anxious. We fully understand these feelings, and we are here to offer our support.
To help you get started, we’ve prepared a list of FAQs for international students. We hope this helps answer your questions and makes you feel more at ease. Rest assured, you’ll receive all the support you need and have a rewarding experience at Soochow University.
We will update the FAQ as needed and indicate the date of the last update.
Before checking the FAQ, please scan the QR code below to join the Line group for the 2024 Academic Year Foreign Students. This will help you stay informed of important notices and allow you to contact the advisors of the International Affairs Center.
113學年度國際生學生Line群組 Line Group for 2024 Academic Year Foreign Students
國際學生常見問題集 FAQs for New International Students
最後更新日期 Last Updated:2024.12.18
【教務相關】【Academic Affairs Related】
I’d like to know about the important dates for the start of the semester, registration, course selection and other important matters.
Soochow University’s key dates and events for each academic year are announced in the academic calendar. You can click the link below to check important dates such as the start of the semester, registration, and dormitory move-in. The calendar also provides details on holidays and other related schedules.
- 中文版「東吳大學113學年度行事曆」
- English Version "Soochow University 2024-2025 Academic Calendar"
When will I receive the "Admission Information For Foreign Students"?
The timeline for new students from different semester intakes to receive the "Admission Information For Foreign Students" is as follows:
- 春季班預計1月中旬左右、秋季班則在7月中旬至9月初(依照不同錄取時間)會收到Email寄送的「新生入學須知」。
Spring Semester intake students will receive the "Admission Information For Foreign Students" via email around mid-January, while Fall Semester intake students will receive it around mid-July to early-September according to their admission time. - 如有疑問,碩博士學生請洽詢註冊課務組黃錦君學姊 jjh@scu.edu.tw,學士班請洽註冊課務組戴立明學長 liming@scu.edu.tw
Should you have any questions, graduate students may consult Ms. Huang (jjh@scu.edu.tw), and undergraduate students may consult Mr. Tai (liming@scu.edu.tw) for further information
When do I need to pay the tuition fee? Are there international wire transfers or online credit card payments available?
Students from overseas may pay in cash after arriving in Taiwan. Credit card payments are limited to cards issued by banks in Taiwan or UnionPay cards. Please note that transactions cannot be canceled once completed. A 1.5% service fee applies to UnionPay card transactions.
Can I apply for a tuition fee student loan?
No, you cannot apply for a student loan. However, installment on tuition fee is available
- 依規定,就學貸款僅限設有戶籍之中華民國國民;
According to regulations, student loans are only available to citizens of the Republic of China (Taiwan) with registered household residency. - 港澳暨僑外學位生,如有經濟困難,可以申請「學雜費分期付款」相關辦法可以參考本校德育中心網頁
Students from Hong Kong, Macau, and overseas who face financial difficulties may apply for the "Tuition and Miscellaneous Fees Installment Payment". For more information, please refer to the website of the University's Moral Education Center.
德育中心網頁 the website of the University's Moral Education Center
【宿舍相關】【Dormitory information】
I’d like to know about the school dorm’s environment, fees and other information.
Please refer to the School’s Student Housing Center’s website for the newest information.
When can I apply for a dormitory? How do I apply? Is it guaranteed that I will be assigned accommodation?
The university has limited dormitory availability. However, the International Affairs Center will assist new students in securing accommodation within the dormitories.
- 國際事務中心會開設線上表單(春季班約1月初,秋季班在7月下旬),並通知大家填寫;也有可能直接email大家詢問。新生回覆該表單(email)即可申請住宿。
The International Affairs Center will provide an online form (around early January for Spring Semester intake and late July for Fall Semester intake) and notify students to fill it out; or may email you to ask about it. New students can apply for accommodation by submitting the form or reply to the email directly. - 境外新生第一年保證住宿,但非強制。只要回覆有願意在宿舍住宿,國際事務中心都會協助安排。
International students are guaranteed accommodation for their first year, though it is not mandatory. As long as they indicate their willingness to stay in the dormitory on the form, the International Affairs Center will assist in arranging accommodation.
Can I choose my dorm? Who will I be living with?
The university's dormitories are limited. In order to ensure fairness for all students, dormitory assignments are made by the Student Housing Center based on established guidelines. Students are not allowed to choose their own dormitory.
- 住宿分配以同系、同儕原則。
Dormitory assignments prioritize students from the same department or peer group.
What amenities are provided in the dormitory rooms? What items do I need to prepare myself?
The basic amenities provided in dormitory rooms include: a personal bed, desk, wardrobe, desk lamp, corner cabinet, fan, and air conditioner. Additionally, each dormitory building is equipped with a common lounge, basic kitchen facilities for light cooking, and a shared refrigerator for food storage.
Items students need to prepare themselves include: blankets, pillows, mattress toppers, slippers, locks, and other personal belongings. Large items such as bedding can be purchased after arriving at the University, as vendors will be available during dormitory check-in.
Can I apply for payment in installments for the accommodation fee?
Yes. For more information please refer to the Moral and Civil Education Center website.
Moral and Civil Education Center
Accommodation Fee Installment Application Form download page
【獎學金資訊】【Scholarships information】
What scholarships can I apply for? Can I apply for them before starting school?
- 東吳大學學士班優秀僑生、港澳生暨外國學生入學獎學金
- 東吳大學學士班優秀僑生獎學金
- 教育部清寒僑生助學金
- 教育部博碩士優秀僑生獎學金
- 東吳大學優秀外國學生獎學金
- 東吳大學外國學生助學金
- 東吳大學獎勵馬來西亞學生助學金
The University offers scholarships and financial aid for students from Hong Kong, Macau, Overseas Chinese and International students, as outlined below. All must be applied for after enrollment. Additionally, various outside organizations provide scholarships and financial aid. Which will be announced upon receiving official notifications from these organizations.
- Soochow University Admission Scholarship Issuance Guidelines for Outstanding Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau, and International Students in Bachelor’s Programs
- 「Soochow University outstanding Overseas Chinese Bachelor’s Degree students scholarship」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1156 (Chinese)
- 「Ministry of Education stipend for Overseas Chinese students with financial difficulties」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-hant/node/1018 (Chinese)
- 「Ministry of education Outstanding Overseas Chinese Master’s & PhD Degree students scholarship」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-hant/node/1016 (Chinese)
- Soochow University Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship
- Soochow University International Student Scholarship
- 「Soochow University Malaysian students Encouragement Stipend」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/70 (Chinese)
【學歷認證】【Academic Credential Authentication】
Do I need to apply for academic credential authentication?
Students from Hong Kong, Macau, Overseas Chinese, or other foreign countries at Soochow University, only those who apply directly to the University are required to complete academic credential authentication.
Where should I verify my academic credential?
To apply for academic credential authentication, please contact the embassies or Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices of the Republic of China (Taiwan).
What kind of academic credential should I apply for authentication?
Except for new students admitted through the Overseas Joint Admissions Committee, all Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau students, and foreign students applying directly to the University must authenticate their documents, including the diploma and complete academic transcripts of the highest degree that meet the application eligibility criteria.
Should academic credential authentication require original documents or copies?
The academic credentials requiring authentication include the diploma and complete academic transcripts of the highest degree that meet the application eligibility criteria. Authentication can be completed using original documents or certified true copies, which are photocopies stamped with a 'True Copy of the Original' seal by the issuing institution. These documents must be submitted to the University's Registration and Curriculum Division as proof of eligibility. Please note that photocopies made from authenticated originals are not considered authenticated documents and do not meet the requirements for academic credential authentication.
Can I apply authentication for other documents?
Authentication documents required for admission should be related to academic purposes. Documents such as a certificate of single status or marriage certificate are unrelated to academic matters and do not require authentication. However, the embassies or Taipei Economic and Cultural Offices of the Republic of China (Taiwan) do provide authentication for other documents.
Is there an example about applying authentication for other documents?
Preparing the required documents for academic credential authentication and completing the process will take some time. These essential documents for enrollment must be prepared before departing for Taiwan. Below is an example of how Hong Kong high school graduates can complete academic credential authentication:
- 香港高中畢業,直接向本校申請入學的學生申請學歷認證:
- 向香港台北經濟文化辦事處(香港灣仔港灣道18號中環廣場49樓4907室)申請。
- 申請前請先自行線上預約(https://www.surveycake.com/s/9gXVx)
- 受理認證文件類型:
- 學歷*,包含畢業證書、歷年成績單、離校證明、在學證明、修業證明、實習證明
- 登記事項證明書
- 駕照
- 應備文件:
- 文件證明申請表。
- 香港永久居民身分證正副本。
- 學生證正副本(驗在學證明者)。
- 需驗證之文件
- 每份文件120元,備妥現金。
- 代理人(父/母) 之身份證正副本。(如適用)
- 代理人(父/母) 之關係證明正副本。(如適用)
- 學歷證明如為副本而非正本,認證前需要經過原校「證明真實(Certified True Copy)」並密封學校信封內提交。
- 畢業證書副本及成績單副本需蓋上校印及有經手人簽章
- 文件放於密封信封內,封口處需蓋上學校印章。
- Students who directly apply for admission to Soochow University need to verify their academic credentials as follows:
- Apply to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Hong Kong (49/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong, Room 4907).
- Make an online appointment in advance before applying at (https://www.surveycake.com/s/9gXVx).
- Types of documents accepted for verification:
- School records, including diploma, transcripts of academic records, proof of leaving the school, certificate of studies, internship certificate.
- Certificate of registration to an event.
- Driving license.
- Documents needed:
- Application form for document verification.
- Hong Kong permanent identity card, original and copy.
- Student ID, original and copy (for students who are still in school) .
- Documents that need to be verified.
- Each document costs 120 yuan in cash.
- Identity card, original and photocopy, of the person handling the matter (father/mother). (If applies)
- Proof of relationship with the person handling the matter (father/mother), original and photocopy. (If applies)
- If you want to verify a copy of your original school record, that copy needs to be certified by your school and sealed in an envelope.
- The copy of diploma and transcript must be stamped with the school seal and signed by the responsible person.
- Then, they need to be sealed in an envelope and the seal of the school must be affixed on the envelope flap.
Which students aged 20 or above need to apply for a "Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)" before coming to Taiwan?
Students from Hong Kong and Macau aged 20 or above are needed to apply for “Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)” before coming to Taiwan. Note that CNCC is a required document for applying for an "Alien Resident Certificate" (ARC) after arriving in Taiwan. The certificate is valid for three months, so please ensure you apply for the ARC within the validity period to avoid expiration.
- 【香港地區學生良民證推薦函申請】良民證推薦函,請於辦公日9-11時,至台北經濟文化辦事處,直接walkin即可辦理,請備以下文件:
- 香港永久居民身分證正副本。
- 有教育部文號之錄取通知書。
- Application for a recommendation letter of【Hong Kong students Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)】: You can apply in the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office by 9-11AM with the following documents:
- Hong Kong identity card, original and copy.
- Admission letter with the document number of the Ministry of Education.
Do I need to prepare a health examination report before applying for a Taiwan entry visa?
All students, except those from Hong Kong and Macau, are required to complete and obtain a health examination report before applying for a Taiwan entry visa. Students from Hong Kong and Macau holding passports of other nationalities, such as the United Kingdom or Portugal, must also complete the health examination in advance. Please note: Health examination reports are typically valid for three months. Ensure the timing of your health examination aligns with your Taiwan entry visa application to avoid expiration.
Do I need to undergo a health examination before applying for an "Alien Resident Certificate" (ARC) after arriving in Taiwan?
Students from Hong Kong and Macau must undergo a "residency health examination" and obtain the health examination report before applying for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) after arriving in Taiwan. The International Affairs Center will assist with making appointments and organizing group visits to the hospital for the examination. If the scheduled time is inconvenient, students may also make appointments and complete the process independently.
How can I learn more about Soochow University?
Visiting Soochow University's official social media channels is a great way to learn more. Below are the QR codes for our social media platforms. Feel free to join and stay connected!
I would like a table that shows all the tasks I need to complete during the admission process.
The table below is the 2024~2025 Semester Year International Student Admission Task List.