2024年9月(113學年度)港澳暨僑外新生 - 入學前QA集





****新生同學們,請務必加入附件的QR codes,進入東吳大學113學年度僑外新生新生群組*******


Dear new students,

We are very happy to welcome you into our warm and caring family, Soochow University.

Regarding soon coming to an unknown environment to pursue your studies, we can fully understand the concerns and uneasiness of both students and parents.

Because of this, to address the questions that everyone often has, we have prepared a Q&A, for everyone to use as reference, in hopes that it can reduce the feeling of uneasiness of both students and parents. The detailed information is as follows, please read carefully.

The information will be periodically updated, and the date of latest update will be noted. Please take note of this, thank you.

****Dear new students, please be sure to add the attached QR codes, and join in our freshman group****



School administration


(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q1I’d like to know about the date the semester starts, registration, course selection and other important matters.

A1:請參考「113學年度行事曆 2024-2025AcademicCalendar」。

中文版  https://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/regcurr/file/11502/14882

English  https://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/regcurr/file/11502/10758



A1Please refer to the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar」.

中文版  https://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/regcurr/file/11502/14882

English  https://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/regcurr/file/11502/10758



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q2When will I receive the 「Registration manual for new students

A2:碩博士班學生,預計7月中旬以Email寄送,相關問題請洽註冊課務組黃錦君學姊  jjh@scu.edu.tw

學士班學生,預計7月中旬以Email寄送,相關問題請洽註冊課務組戴立明學長  liming@scu.edu.tw

A2Master’s students will receive an email sometime around the mid of July. For further information please ask Ms. Huang from the Registration and Curriculum Division jjh@scu.edu.tw.

Bachelor’s students will receive an email sometime around the mid of July. For further information please ask Mr. Dai from the Registration and Curriculum Division liming@scu.edu.tw.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q4When do I have to pay for the tuition fee? Can I do an international transfer or card payment online?


A4Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong & Macau and international students, all must pay for their tuition fee with cash, no international transfer or online card payment allowed.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q5Can I apply for a student loan?


A5No. According to the regulations, only Taiwanese students with registered permanent residence are allowed to apply for it. Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong & Macau and international students, if they have financial difficulties, they can apply for tuition payment in installments」. For more information please refer to the website of our school’s Moral and Civil Education Center.



【Dormitory information】


(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q1I’d like to know about the school dorm’s environment, payment and other information.


中文網頁    https://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/housing/web_page/2547

A1Please refer to our school’s Student Housing Center’s website.

English website https://web-en.scu.edu.tw/housing/web_page/278



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q2When will I be able to apply for a dorm? How do I do it? Am I guaranteed to get a place in a dorm?


A2After the Student Housing Center opens the dorm application (around the end of July), the Office of International & Cross-Strait Academic Exchange will set up an online application form. We ask all Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong & Macau and international students to promptly fill out the form notifying the school whether they intend to apply for a dorm or not, so that the school can help them plan accordingly.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q3Can I choose my dorm? Who will I be living with?


  1. 學士班,以雙溪校區宿舍為優先。女生宿舍-柚芳、榕華;男生宿舍 -松勁
  2. 碩、博士班,以泉思學舍為優先。

A3You can’t choose your dorm. For choosing roommates, students from the same school will be prioritized. The rules for dorm distribution are as follows:

  1. Bachelor’s students, will be prioritized for the Waishuangshi Campus dorms.  Female students’ dorm-You Fang, Rong Hua; male students’ dorm-Song Jin.
  2. Masters’ and PhD students will be prioritized for the Chuan Szu House.




(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q4What kind of basic equipment do the dorm rooms have inside? What things do I need to prepare myself?


A4Basic equipment is as follows: individual bed, desk, wardrobe, desk lamp, cupboard, electric fan, air conditioning. Things you need to prepare yourself are as follows: quilt, pillow, mattress, slippers, locks and other personal belongings. Bedding and other large items can be acquired after arriving in Taiwan.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q5Can I apply for payment in installments for the accommodation fee?



A5Yes. For more related information you can refer to our school’s Student Housing Center website






【Scholarships information】


(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q1What scholarships can I apply for? Can I apply for them before starting school?


  1. 「東吳大學學士班優秀僑生獎學金」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1156
  2. 「教育部清寒僑生助學金」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-hant/node/1018
  3. 「教育部博碩士優秀僑生獎學金」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-hant/node/1016
  4. 「東吳大學優秀外國學生獎學金」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1158
  5. 「東吳大學外國學生助學金」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1159
  6. 「東吳大學獎勵馬來西亞學生助學金」http://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/70

A1The main information about the scholarships our university provides to Hong Kong & Macau, Overseas Chinese and International students is as follows. All of them can be applied for after school starts. There are also other scholarships provided by outside organizations. Those will be announced after the university receives information about them from said organizations.

  1. Soochow University outstanding Overseas Chinese Bachelor’s Degree students scholarshiphttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1156
  2. Ministry of Education stipend for Overseas Chinese students with financial difficultieshttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-hant/node/1018
  3. Ministry of education Outstanding Overseas Chinese Master’s & PhD Degree students scholarshiphttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/index.php/zh-hant/node/1016
  4. Soochow University Outstanding Foreign Students Scholarshiphttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1158
  5. Soochow University International Student Scholarshiphttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/1159
  6. Soochow University Malaysian students Encouragement Stipendhttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/70






(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q1Which students need to do school records verification?


A1Only the students that were admitted through our school’s individual student admission channel and foreign students school application channelneed to school records verification. Please consult with your respective country’s embassy/representative office.



Hong Kong region students’special case document verificationOther countries, if in the future they have related information, it will be updated as well.


Date: Every working day


Time: 9 am to 9:30 am


Location: Hong Kong, Wan Chai, Harbour Road # 18, Centra l Plaza 49F, Room 4907





預約方式:學生自行預約  https://www.surveycake.com/s/9gXVx


Types of documents accepted for processing:

  1. School records, including graduation certificate, academic transcript, proof of leaving the school, certificate of studies, internship certificate.
  2. Certificate of registration to an event.
  3. Driving license.

Booking an appointment:  students must do it themselves 









(6)代理人(父/母) 之身份證正副本。(如適用)

(7)代理人(父/母) 之關係證明正副本。(如適用)


Documents you need to prepare to do your school records verification

  1. Application form for document verification.
  2. Hong Kong permanent identity card, original and copy.
  3. Student ID, original and copy (for students who are still in school)   .
  4. Documents that need to be verified.
  5. Each document costs         120 yuan, prepare cash.
  6. Identity card, original and copy, of the person handling the matter (father/mother). (If applies)
  7. Proof of relationship of with the person handling the matter (father/mother), original and copy. (If applies)


*學歷如驗證副本,需經原校「證明真實(Certified True Copy)」並密封學校信封內。





*School records, if it’s a copy that’s being certified, it needs to be certified by the original school as aCertified True Copy)」 and be in a sealed envelope from said school.

- True copies of the graduation certificate and academic transcript must have the school’s stamp and a handwritten signature of the person handling the matter.

- Documents must be put inside a sealed envelope.

- The envelope’s flap must have the school’s stamp.



Frequently asked Q&A

1. 學生應提供正本或真實副本?

https://www.surveycake.com/s/9gXVx 中有一張圖,已經匯整好收件規格及要求。請同學詳閱。

1.Students should provide an original document or a certified true copy?

https://www.surveycake.com/s/9gXVx  there’s a picture in the middle, with the specifications and requirements for accepting documents already collected and organized. Please read carefully.


2. 學生想驗證其他文件可以嗎?

應與就學相關為原則,並需先傳電郵至 student@tecos.org.hk 獲核准。


2.If the students want to certify other documents, can they do it?

In principle, they should prioritize the documents related to going to school, and must first send an email to   student@tecos.org.hk  to obtain authorization.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q2Which students that already turned 20 must apply for a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)before coming to Taiwan?


A2Students from the Hong Kong & Macau, if they already turned 20, they must apply for a Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC).


Little reminder】「Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)is a required document for applying for analien resident certificateafter coming to Taiwan. The Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC)must be valid for at least three months. Please pay attention to the application time of the alien resident certificate after coming to Taiwan, in order to avoid having an ineffective certificate because of expiration.




Hong Kong students Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) recommendation letter applicationFor the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) application letter, please go to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office from 9-11 am, walk-ins are allowed for this. Please prepare these documents:

1. Hong Kong identity card, original and copy.

2. Admission letter with the document number of the Ministry of Education.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q3Which students, before applying for a visa to enter Taiwan in their home countries, must complete and obtain a health inspection report?


A3Except for students from Hong Kong & Macau, all students must complete and obtain a health inspection report before applying for their visa to come to Taiwan. If Hong Kong & Macau students possess a different country’s passport, like the UK or Portugal, etc., they must also complete and obtain a health inspection report.


Little reminderThe health inspection report often has a validity of only three months. Please obtain it according to your time of applying for your visa, in order to avoid having an ineffective certificate because of expiration.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q4Which students must submit to a health inspection after coming to Taiwan, before applying for an alien resident certificate?


A4Hong Kong & Macau students must first submit to a health check-up,and after obtaining the results, they can apply for their alien resident certificate. The Office of International Affairs Center will, in principle, help the students make an appointment and take them to the hospital for their health check-up. When that time comes, if the Office and the students can’t arrange a time, they can also do the procedure by themselves.



(Date of latest update: 2024.06.26)


Q5Before school starts, I’d like to know more about Soochow University. How could I do this?


A5Below are the QR codes for Youtube, Facebook and Instagram, of the Office of International & Cross-Strait Academic Exchange, so you can follow them and subscribe.







113學年度春季班境外學生 一定要知道的時間:



















外雙溪校區第教學研究大樓一樓戴氏基金會會議室   R0112 




外雙溪校區第教學研究大樓一樓戴氏基金會會議室   R0112 




















Time that foreign students must know:






Early July-Mid July

Overseas students dormitory online application (First time application)



Early august

Overseas students dormitory online application(Second application)



August  28th

Overseas students check in day (You may start your dormitory stay from this day)

Waishuangshi campus 戴氏基金會會議室 on the first floor of the第一教學研究大樓R0112 


August  29th

Overseas students orientation

Waishuangshi campus 戴氏基金會會議室 on the first floor of the第一教學研究大樓R0112 


August 1st –August 31st

Online application of foreign language placement test for freshmen of bachelors

Please pay attention to the website for freshmen. If you come from an English speaking country, you do not have to take the test.


August 1st –September 3rd

Online test of foreign language placement for freshmen of bachelors

Take the exam according to the designated time.


September  1st - September 5th 

Overseas students Chinese language cours online application



September 3rd 1:30 PM - September 5th 12:00 PM

Online course selection for freshmen of bachelors