Image removed. 申請表單:https://forms.gle/27dHF8XviNJG6SJS6

Image removed. 法規相關連結/ Link to the regulationhttp://icae.scu.edu.tw/zh-hant/node/2902

Image removed. 為促進本校國際化,提高外國學生來校就讀之意願,並鼓勵在校外國學生續讀,特訂定「東吳大學辦理捐贈外國學生獎學金實施辦法」(以下簡稱本辦法)。

In order to stimulate the internationalization of Soochow University, increase the number of foreign students interested in study at Soochow University, and also to encourage them to continue their studies at Soochow University, these “Soochow University Guidelines on Scholarship for International Students ” (herein known as the “ Guidelines ”) are established.

Image removed. 申請者須符合下列資格
一、 就讀本校一學期以上之外國學士班學位生,且當學期及前一學期皆須為正式學籍者。
二、 前一學期應修習十學分以上,且學業成績總平均達八十五分以 上,或班級排名為前百分之八,且操行成績達八十五分以上者。

三、 在學期間為八個學期內可申請,延畢者不得申請。
四、 未享有我政府機關(構)或本校所設置之各類獎助學金。
一、 就讀本校一學期以上之外國碩博士班學位生,且具當學期及前一 學期皆須為正式學籍者。
二、 前一學期至少修習一科(不含論文),且前學期學業成績平均八十 五分以上、操行成績八十五分以上者。
三、 在學期間為四學期內可申請,延畢者不得申請。
四、 未享有我政府機關(構)或本校所設置之各類獎助學金。

Applicants must fulfill the following qualifications:
 Bachelor's program:

  1. International students having studied at Soochow University for more than one semester in the Bachelor's program and must have been officially registered for both the current and previous semesters.
  2. Having taken at least 10 academic credits in the previous semester with an average grade of at least 85 or within top 8 per cent in the class and year ranking, and at least 85 in the behavioral conduct score.
  3. Only those who are within their 8 semesters of study may apply. Students in postponement of graduation are not qualified.
  4. Have not received scholarship or subsidy of any kind provided by the government or this University.

Master's and PhD programs:

  1. International students having studied at Soochow University for more than one semester in the Graduate programs and must have been officially registered for both the current and previous semesters.
  2. Took at least one course during the previous semester (not including thesis), with an average grade of at least 85, and at least 85 in the behavioral conduct score.
  3. Only those who are within their 4 semesters of study may apply. Students in postponement of graduation are not qualified.
  4. Have not received scholarship or subsidy of any kind provided by the government or this University.

Image removed. 申請繳交文件:
一、 前學期學業成績單(含「操行成績」、「班排名百分比」及「取得學分數」)。
二、 居留證正面。
三、 學生證正反面(加蓋本校在學證明章)。

How to apply: Applicants who fulfill the qualifications stipulated in Article 2 above should apply by filling out the online application (please link to https://forms.gle/27dHF8XviNJG6SJS6)and uploading the following documents in scanned/electronic form:

  1. Previous semester's academic grades transcript (including the student's behavioral conduct score, class ranking percentile and number of credits taken).
  2. ARC (alien resident certificate) front side copy.
  3. Student ID front and back copy (with school enrollment certification stamp).

Image removed. 本助學金受獎人及受補助額度,由國際交流委員會決定之。
All scholarship awardees and amounts will be determined by the Committee on International Exchange.

Image removed. 申請時間:
Closing date for application: Tue. 15 Apr. 2025, 5:00 p.m

Image removed. 五、本案承辦人:
Contact person:
International Affairs Center: YI-CHIN,YEHExt.: 5363E-mailyiichin@scu.edu.tw