

  • 傑出僑生入學獎學金:僑務委員會提供每學年10萬元、東吳大學提供每學年5萬元,採續領審核機制,四年共計60萬元。


  1. 具高級中等以上學校畢業學歷,學業成績優良,品行端正,符合「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」第二條規定來臺就讀學士學位之僑生。
  2. 傑出僑生入學獎學金:申請人之在校學業總平均成績以85分為低標,或在全班百分之十內,且操行總平均成績達80分以上。
  3. 獎學金申請人僑居地成績計算方式不同時,由受理申請之駐外館處及本會指定單位據此換算,如無操行成績,應依其他多元表現評估認定。





Soochow University, in collaboration with the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC), is offering three Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Student Joint Entrance Scholarships for the 2025 academic year.

  • Outstanding Overseas Compatriot Students Entrance  Scholarship: The OCAC provides NT$100,000 per academic year, and Soochow University provides NT$50,000 per academic year. The scholarship is subject to an annual renewal review process, with a total of NT$600,000 available over four years.

The application eligibility is as follows:

  • Overseas compatriot students who have graduated from a high school or above, have achieved excellent academic performance, demonstrated good conduct, and meet the requirements of Article 2 of the regulations regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students to study for a bachelor's degree in Taiwan. Before the application deadline, the applicant's average academic performance is equivalent to that of all domestic senior secondary schools and above.
  • outstanding scholarship: The applicant's score is 85 points as the lowest or within 10% of the whole class, and the overall average conduct score is above 80 points.
  • To cope with the different academic systems and performance evaluation methods in different countries, the overseas office that accepts the application and unit designated by OCAC shall submit the overall average academic grade conversion standard in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph and send it to OCAC for reference; if there is no conduct grades, other related factors shall be used for performance evaluation.

The application and award process is as follows:

Eligibility for continuing to receive scholarship money:

Overseas Compatriot Students that concord with application eligibility are welcome to apply for this scholarship.  For more information please contact phiniec@gm.scu.edu.tw.