【獲獎公告】Recipient list announcement: SU Outstanding International Students Development Plan Scholarship and Grant/112學年度戴氏基金會「東吳大學優秀人才培育計畫」獎助金獲獎名單





  1. 凡獲補助學生皆須於113年7月8日(週一)15:00前先行完成填報線上確認表單,並上傳中、英文感謝函。未於規定時間完成者,視同放棄獲獎。
  2. 線上確認表單:https://forms.gle/7WZuyjLY2XxV5h18A
  3. 感謝函格式及字數不拘,請以中文及英文繕打完成,中、英文內容至多各一頁A4。 感謝函抬頭中文為「戴氏基金會」,英文為「J. T. Tai & Co. Foundation」。外籍生若不諳中文可僅上傳英文感謝函。
  4. 如因故未能如期赴外研修者,須依規定填妥「戴氏基金會東吳優秀國際人才獎助學金放棄聲明書」,並繳回獲獎補助款。放棄聲明書詳如附件(Word或Pdf檔)。
  5. 該獎補助款項預計於分二梯次辦理核銷撥款作業。113-1赴外研修者:約113年8月上旬前辦理核銷撥款;113-2赴外研修者:約113年12月下旬前辦理核銷撥款。敬請各位獲獎學生注意款項入帳時程。


  1. 獲獎生須於指定日期完成繳交中英文感謝函各一份。外籍生若不諳中文可僅上傳英文感謝函。
  2. 獲獎生須於完成研修後,繳交中英文研修心得各一份。外籍生若不諳中文可僅提供英文研修心得。


Recipient list of Soochow University J. T. Tai & Co. Foundation - "SU Outstanding International Students" Development Plan Scholarship and Grant.

Recipient list announcement:

  • The recipient list is announced hereby upon approval by the International Cooperation Committee through the examination on June 24, 2024.
  • The students granted will be receiving an E-mail from International Affairs Center regarding the grant amount and the allocation information.  

Notices for awardees:

  • Please complete the online confirmation form and upload a "Thank-you letter to J. T. Tai & Co. Foundation" by 15:00 PM, July 8, 2024.
  • Thank-you letter format: less than one A4 page of a Word doc.
  • If by any chance you won't be able to pursue your studies abroad physically, please submit a statement of withdrawal (as attached). Your grant received shall be returned in this case.
  • Allocations: grants will be allocated around early August to awardees who'll leave for overseas institutions in Fall Semester 2024, and by end of December to awardees whose overseas study programs start from Spring Semester 2025.
  • A study report should be submitted upon completion of your overseas studies.

Contact: Andre YU (Email: andreyu@gm.scu.edu.tw; Office Tel Ext: 5369)