2022 校長有約 : 水岸鐵馬樂秋遊 BIKING TRIP WITH PRESIDENT PAN 2022
Greetings from ICAE,
We're going to Bali for a one-day biking trip on November 19th. President Pan invites everyone to participate in this special activity. Besides, it would be approved as an aesthetic activity(美育活動認證)!
活動時間:2022/11/19(六) 08:30~17:00
Time: 2022/11/19 Sat. 08:30~17:00
Location: SCU-Bali(round trip)
境外生報名網址:http://jp.mikecrm.com/6yeBoQt 以此線上表單報名。
即日起開放報名至2022/11/9(三) 16:00。報名人數上限為50人,
Registration Information: Sign up through this online form. The form would be open until 2022/11/9 Wed. The maximum number of the participants is 50. The online form would be automatically closed, and there won’t be any notification for that.
(Local Students can sigh up on E-Campus from Nov. 2nd)
Fee: NTD200(Transportation, meals, bike renting are inclusive)
Payment Information: After submitting the online form, please pay the fee at the office (Waishuangsi Campus A314, Downtown Campus 2110) before 2022/11/9 Wed. 16:00.
Rufund Information: Please come to the office (Waishuangsi Campus A314, Downtown Campus 2110) to get the refund before 2022/11/9 Wed. 16:00. Remember to bring the RECEIPT!
08:20 集合【集合地點:雙溪校區綜合大樓(B棟)望星廣場】
08:30-09:00 行前安全講解、分梯次牽車
09:00-12:00 騎乘腳踏車前往八里(途中休息3次)
12:00-13:00 午餐
13:00-14:00 八里左岸公園自由活動
14:00-17:00 騎車返回雙溪校區 (途中休息2次)
08:20 Gathering in front of Buliding B on Waishuanghsi Campus
08:30~09:00 Orientation and Bike testing
09:00~12:00 Heading to Bali (3 short breaks on the way )
12:00~13:00 Lunch
13:00~14:00 Free time
14:00~17:00 Riding back to Waishuanghsi campus and returning bikes(with 2 short breaks)
承辦人聯絡方式:兩岸事務中心 吳羽柔
電話:(02)2881-9471 分機5376
Email: skfbl3571@scu.edu.tw
Contact Information :Ms. Sophia Wu, Cross Strait Affairs Center
Tel: (02)2881-9471 ext.5376
Email: skfbl3571@scu.edu.tw