【助學金公告】110-1「東吳大學外國學生助學金」獲補助名【Announcement】Recipients of “110-1 Soochow University International Student Scholarship "



3.敬請獲獎同學於請獲補助學生於20211230()前填寫表單https://forms.gle/9Zwsux2D3PjGpsCEA ,並上傳「居留證正反面」及「本人郵局存摺封面,以利撥款事宜。




*Recipients are kindly requested to fill out the form as following and upload the "front and back of the residence permit" and "the cover of the post office passbook" before 30th December, 2021 to facilitate the scholarship payment :


* The scholarship payment is expected to be arranged before the end of January, but still depends on the status of students submitting the personal information needed for remittance . All the information must be collected so we can pay every recipients as soon as possible.

*Contact person for this scholarship: Kiki Guo, Staff of the International Affairs Center(Ext. 5367, Email: kiki@scu.edu.tw)