東吳大學境外生校園安全指引 Soochow University Campus Safety Guide

Welcome to Soochow University. Your Safety is Our Priority.

24小時緊急連絡 24 Hours Emergency Contact

  • 報案電話Crime Reporting Hotline: 110

  • 緊急電話Emergency Hotline: 119 (for fire, medical, etc.)
    (當手機無訊號時,請改撥when there is no mobile signal, dial: 112 # 9)


雙溪校區 Waishuanghsi Campus

城中校區 Downtown Campus

地區警察局 Local Police Station:

文林派出所 Wenlin Police Station


介壽派出所 Jieshou Police Station


東吳大學總機 Soochow University operator



校安中心 Campus Security Center

(02)2881-7734 分機ext: 5555

(02)2389-0952 分機ext: 2222

校園保全 Campus Security Patrol

分機ext: 7021, 7122, 71233

分機ext: 4111, 4112, 4113, 4114

報案重點內容 Key Points to Report an Incident/ Accident

  • 描述清楚發生的事情及所在地點。Clearly describe what happened and your location.

  • 保持冷靜,依照指示行動。Stay calm and follow the instructions.

醫療指引 Medical Guide


Soochow University offers free basic medical and counseling services on campus. You can also easily access to healthcare facilities in Taiwan. For minor illnesses, going to specialized clinics nearby is a more convenient and cost-effective option. Please ask your local peers, dorm advisors, or international student counselors for clinic information.


Always bring your National Health Insurance card when you go to a doctor. If you're enrolled in the SU Insurance program, ask the doctor for a diagnosis certificate and submit it with all receipts to the Office of ICAE to apply for reimbursement.


The University Health and Counseling Center provides basic medical services

看診時間Clinic Hours:

  • 學期期間During semester: 8:30-21:30, 週一至週五Mon.-Fri.

  • 寒暑假期間During winter and summer breaks: 8:30-12:00 and 13:30-16:00, 週一至週四Mon.-Thu.

服務地點及電話Service Location and Tel

雙溪校區 Waishuanghsi Campus

城中校區 Downtown Campus

愛徒樓1C111Room C111, 1st Floor, Nall Memorial Hall 

分機ext: 7522-7526

第六大樓6105室 Room 6205, Building Six

分機ext: 2381-2383

防震守則 When Earthquake Occurs

  • 保持冷靜Stay Calm地震發生時保持冷靜,避免恐慌。Remain calm and avoid panic.

  • 尋找掩護Seek Shelter迅速躲到堅固的家具下方或牆角。Quickly take cover under sturdy furniture or in a corner of the room.

  • 遠離危險區域Avoid Danger Zones遠離窗戶、電梯及可能倒塌的物體。Stay away from windows, elevators, or any objects that could fall.

  • 避難計劃Evacuation Plan熟悉建築物的避難路線和緊急集合地點。Know the building’s evacuation routes and emergency assembly points.

  • 關閉氣電,打開房門Turn Off Gas and Electricity and Open Doors地震後立即關閉煤氣與電源,防止火災,打開房門,暢通逃生通道。After the shaking stops, turn off the gas and electricity to prevent fires, and open doors to ensure a clear escape route.

預防詐騙 Fraud Prevention

  • 保持警覺:不要隨意相信陌生人而提供個人資訊,特別是金錢或個人身份資料。
    Stay Alert: Do
    not easily trust strangers and provide personal information, especially when it involves money or identification details.

  • 避免分享個人資訊:不要提供個人資料,包含護照號碼、銀行帳戶等敏感資料。
    Avoid Sharing Personal Information: Do not share your personal information, including passport numbers, bank account details, etc.

  • 疑似詐騙?撥打反詐騙專線:165
    Suspected Fraud? Dial 
    Anti-Fraud Hotline: 165

性別平等與霸凌防制 Gender Equality and Bullying Prevention

性別平等Gender Equality:

  • 尊重每一個人Respect Everyone: 不論性別、性向或性別認同,人人都應受到平等對待。Everyone deserves equal treatment regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

  • 校園內的支持系統 Campus Support System: 學校設有性別平等委員會,專責處理相關議題。The University has a Gender Equality Committee responsible for handling related issues.

如遇性別不平等或霸凌In case of gender inequality or bullying:

  • 立即報告Report Immediately: 立即透過性平專線或境外生輔導老師尋求協助或填寫調查申請/檢舉書申請調查。Inform the University or your counselor immediately or fill in Investigation Application Form/Report.

  • 學校提供保密的協助服務,保障您的權益。The University offers confidential support services to protect your rights.

性平專線Gender Inequality Hotline: 02-2883-0691

Email: gender@gm.scu.edu.tw



Soochow University Suspected Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment or Sexual Bullying Investigation Application Form/Report



  Investigation Application Form


境外生輔導老師連絡電話 Call International Student Counselor:

02-2881-9471 ext: 5363, 5364, 5368 or 5374

Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Study Journey with Us!