
捷克奧斯特拉瓦大學(University of Ostrava )將於2024暑期舉辦短期研習課程,研習主題為Entrepreneurship for All: Boost your Creativity,內容包含專業英語授課課程及校外文化參訪。本校可享一位免學費名額,滿額後國際處將視情況評核優先獲推薦序,並公告獲推薦名單歡迎有興趣的同學報名參加。


二、課程內容:Get outstanding theoretical and hands-on experience in this intensive programme which consists of classroom lectures, fieldtrips and practical exercise. You will have the opportunity to better understand the creative process of building on your own business idea and to boost your own imagination. Moreover, the participants will meet other international students and will be able to discuss their ideas with our international experts. The programme is designed to be interactive to get the most out of it。詳細資訊請參考附件或該校暑期課程網頁:https://www.osu.eu/28469/summer-school-for-international-students/

三、課程費用:250 EUR (本校可享1位免學費名額)

  • The price includes all classes, workshops and additional cultural activities within the programme
  • The price does not include travel to/from Ostrava, accommodation, lunches and free time activities beyond the programme

四、語言檢定要求:符合英檢CEFR B2 程度並須檢具相關語檢證明或成績單。


  • 報名表(如附件)
  • 中文版歷年成績單(須含累計至112-1之歷年總平均及累計班排名)。
  • 英語檢定證明或成績單影本。