Language Exchange Night : Leisure Activities Sharing

On May 16th, the Language Exchange Night organized by ICAE volunteer students was held on Waishuanghsi campus. Participants included exchange students from Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Czech Republic. The atmosphere during the event was lively, with everyone engaging in enthusiastic conversations and sharing their favorite leisure activities.

Throughout the event, exchange students and our local students enthusiastically shared the activities they enjoy during their leisure time, by this opportunity to learn about each other's cultural backgrounds and lifestyles, thus fostering international friendships and exchanges. Taiwanese students shared their favorite local singers and delicacies, Japanese students talked about their experiences in school clubs, Korean students discussed their thoughts on Korean cuisine in Taiwan.

This Language Exchange Night is the final language exchange event of the semester, volunteers put a lot of  effort into organizing it. From the initial promotion form to the perfect conclusion of the event, it was all arranged by the volunteers. The volunteers especially want to provide many topics for everyone to discuss, such as special events experienced in Taiwan or have you attended any festival in other countries?

Overall, the event not only provided an opportunity for participants to enhance their language speaking abilities in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere but also deepened cultural understanding and exchange among them.