【110學年度第2學期-僑外生期中座談Mid-Term Gathering for International and Overseas Chinese students, Spring Semester 2022】


Dear All,

We hope you are doing well preparing for your mid-term tests. We are already halfway through the spring semester, and as usual The International Affairs Center will host a lunch meeting with all the International and Overseas Chinese students. The purpose of this meeting is to hear your opinions and suggestions. We would like to know how your life at SU is and what kind of help you need, in order to do better in the future. Here are the details of the meetings:

一、 活動時間Date & Time

(一)城中校區:202254(星期三) 12:00-13:00,活動地點:2123會議室

Downtown Campus: 12:00-13:00, Wed., 4th May, 2022/ Meeting room 2123

(二)雙溪校區:202259(星期一) 12:00-13:00,活動地點:G101教室

Waishuanghsi Campus: 12:00-13:00, Mon., 9th May, 2022 / Meeting room G101

二、 報名網址Registration linkhttps://forms.gle/SYn6EznPFtY6YN7S7

2022/4/27 中午12:00報名截止Registration ends on 27th April, 2022 at 12:00 noon

三、 當日活動提供餐點,請同學踴躍出席! Note: Lunch will be provided. All students are strongly encouraged to attend to get the latest information.

四、 座談流程Program:

  • 城中場次(使用語言中、英、日):Downtown meeting (Languages used: Mandarin, English and Japanese)
  1. 國際事務中心主管致詞 Opening Remarks, Director of The International Affairs Center
  2. 國際事務中心重要業務說明,包括:工作證線上申請、期末退選時程說明、暑假返鄉注意事項及居留證延期說明International Affairs Center important issues explanation, including: Work permit online application, end of semester course withdrawal, important points for students returning home during summer vacation and ARC extension.
  3. 提問時間Q&A
  4. 互動關懷 Conversation and exchange with the students
  5. 散會End of the meeting
  • 雙溪場次:Waishuanghsi meeting
  1. 國際事務中心主管致詞 Opening Remarks, Director of The International Affairs Center
  2. 畢業留臺升學及就業座談分享 Talk about remaining in Taiwan after graduation to pursue further education and seek employment
  1. 國際事務中心重要業務說明,包括:工作證線上申請、期末退選時程說明、暑假返鄉注意事項及居留證延期說明International Affairs Center important issues explanation, including: Work permit online application, end of semester course withdrawal, important points for students returning home during summer vacation and ARC extension.
  1. 提問時間Q&A
  2. 散會End of the meeting

將視疫情狀況,最遲於活動前兩天,email通知是否舉辦,報名後敬請留意相關資訊。Please note that we'll adjust this activity via email before two days according to the evolving pandemic situation.
