
2022 校長有約 : 水岸鐵馬樂春遊 Biking Trip with President Pan 2022


Greetings from ICAE,
    Annually biking trip is upon us! We’re going to Fulong for a one-day biking trip on April 30th. The entire route crosses New Taipei City and Yilan County. Starts from Fulong station, through Old Caoling Tunnel, and Provincial Highway no.2., which is a coastal highway. During the ride, we even can glimpse the view of Guishan Island(Turtle Island). President Pan invites everyone to participate in this special activity. Besides, it would be approved as an aesthetic activity(美育活動認證)!

活動時間:2022/4/30(六) 07:00~16:30

Time: 2022/4/30 Sat. 07:00~16:30


Location: SCU-Fulong(round trip)

報名資訊:https://forms.gle/XDCCg1QDrQ92JgoN7 以此線上表單報名。即日起開放報名至2022/4/18(一) 17:00。報名人數上限為80人,額滿後系統將自動關閉,恕不另行通知。

Registration Information: Sign up through this online form. The form would be open until 2022/4/18 Mon. The maximum number of the participants is 80. The online form would be automatically closed, and there won’t be any notification for that.


Fee: NTD200(Transportation, meals, bike renting are inclusive)


Payment Information: After submitting the online form, please pay the fee at the office (Waishuangsi Campus A314, Downtown Campus 2110) before 2022/4/18 Mon. 17:00.


Rufund Information: Please come to the office (Waishuangsi Campus A314, Downtown Campus 2110) to get the refund before 2022/4/20 Wed. 17:00. Remember to bring the RECEIPT!


07:00-07:15 集合、編組【集合地點:東吳大學外雙溪校區綜合大樓(B棟)望星廣場(B1)】 

07:15-07:30 師長致詞、大合照

07:30-09:00 搭乘遊覽車前往福隆火車站

09:00-09:20 分梯次牽車、行前安全講解

09:20 -12:00 騎乘腳踏車-舊草嶺環狀線自行車道(途中休息與校長合影)

12:00-12:30 遊覽車前往餐廳

12:30-14:30 午餐、團康聯誼、休息

14:30-16:30 搭乘遊覽車返回東吳大學


07:00-07:15 Gathering in front of Buliding B on Waishuanghsi campus 

07:15-07:30 Greetings, orientations, and group photos

07:30-09:00 Heading to Fulong train station

09:00-09:20 Bike testing

09:20 -12:00 Biking on the Old Caoling cycling track

12:00-12:30 Heading to the restaurant

12:30-14:30 Lunch time and group games

14:30-16:30 Back to Waishuanghsi campus by tour bus


承辦人聯絡方式:兩岸事務中心 吳羽柔

電話:(02)2881-9471 分機5376

Email: skfbl3571@scu.edu.tw


Contact Information :Ms. Sophia Wu, Cross Strait Affairs Center

Tel: (02)2881-9471 ext.5376

Email: skfbl3571@scu.edu.tw


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