【活動公告】Biking with President Pan! /2020年校長有約-水岸鐵馬樂秋遊




活動時間:20201205(星期六) 8:30~17:00   


報名:採取線上報名( http://jp.mikecrm.com/SKOzUFd ),即日起至1113(星期五)下午5時止;報名人數上限80人;額滿即關閉線上報名系統,不另行通知。   


費用:新台幣200元整 (含午餐、點心、交通、租借腳踏車等費用)   





08:30             集合(集合地點:雙溪校區綜合大樓(B)大階梯 

08:40-09:30  行前安全講解、分梯次牽車 

09:30-12:00  騎乘腳踏車前往八里左岸公園 (途中休息3)

12:00-13:00  午餐 

13:00-14:00  八里左岸公園自由活動

14:00-17:00  騎車返回雙溪校區 (途中休息2



1. 為保持充沛的活力,請務必先用早餐。 

2. 當日需騎乘單車,請著輕便服裝、布鞋,()背包。(當天不提供協力車,不會騎腳踏車者,請勿報名) 

3. 請視需要攜帶個人藥品、防蚊液、防曬用品或帽子、太陽眼鏡。 

4. 本活動騎乘腳踏車來回總公里數約45公里,請審慎評估身體狀況後參加,騎完全程者將頒發完騎證明,並採認美育認證。 

5. 本活動亦歡迎邀請東吳本地同學參加。本地同學報名期間自119()中午12時至額滿為止,並於1113(星期五)下午5時前完成繳費始完成報名。

6. 行程僅供參考,主辦單位將依實際進行狀況作調整。   




承辦人聯絡方式: 國際處兩岸事務中心 林佳蓉 

電話: 02-28819471分機5375 

EMAIL: phoebe@scu.edu.tw



Biking with President Pan!


Dear SU international students: President Pan invites you to enjoy a biking tour in Taipei!


Coordinator: Office of International and Cross-Strait Academic Exchange.

Time and Date: From 8:30 to 17:00, Saturday, December 5, 2020.

Fee: NTD 200 (lunch included)



08:30 Gathering at Stair Area in front of Building B on Waishuanghsi campus

 08:40~09:30 Orientation and Bike testing

 09:30~12:00 Heading to Bali Left Bank Park (with 3 short breaks)

 12:00~13:00 Lunch

 13:00~14:00 Free time

 14:00~17:00 Riding back to Waishuanghsi campus and returning bikes(with 2 short break)


Registation and payment:

1. On-line registration (http://jp.mikecrm.com/SKOzUFd) starts from now to 17:00, November 13, 2020.

2. Maximum participants: 80 people. The activity is limited to the first 80 students who have completed theregistration process.

3. Your payment of NTD 200 must be completed during October 26 to November 13, 2020 at office A314(Waishuanghsi campus) or 2110 (Downtown campus). Registration will only be accepted when the payment's completed.

4. Your payment is refundable only before 17:00 November 20, 2020, and your receipt is needed for the refund application.


Biking Notices:   


1. Please make sure to have breakfast before coming.

2. Sportswear and a backpack are highly suggested.

3. Please prepare your personal medicine, insect repellent, sun block, hat / cap and sunglasses, if needed.

4. Total length of the cycle track will be 45 km. Please evaluate your own health condition before signing up. Certificate will be issued to participants who finish the whole riding tour. The activity is certified by the Moral and Civil Education Center.

5.The activity is also open to local students at Soochow University. The registration deadline is 12:00, November 9, 2020. Registration will be closed if we reach the maximum number of participants. And your payment of NTD 200 must be completed before 17:00, November 13, 2020 at office A314 (Waishuanghsi campus) or 2110 (Downtown campus). Note that registration will only be accepted when the payment's completed.

6. Further adjustment could be made based on any change.


Personal Data Collection Statement: We collect, process, and use your personal data to meet the needs of registration and the emergency contact of this activity. You are entitled to make the following requests:

  1. To check or review the collected data.

  2. To receive a photocopy of the collected data.

  3. To supplement or revise the collected data.

  4. To cease the collection, processing or use of the collected data.

  5. To delete the collected data.


Contact information: Ms.  Phoebe Lin, Cross-Strait Affairs Center

TEL: 02-28819471 ext.5375

EMAIL: phoebe@scu.edu.tw