2021-2022 UB FELLOWS PROGRAM訪問學者計畫校內開放申請!

2021-2022 United Board訪問學者(United Board Fellows Program)計畫校內開放申請,敬請有意申請之師長,於2020年11月9日(星期一)前檢附以下申請文件:

  • 申請表(如附件Application Form)
  • 個人簡歷(CV)
  • 自我推薦信(請參考附件提名表單內問題1-6所需提供相關被推薦者資訊)
  • 計畫時程:2021年7月1日至2022年6月30日。錄取學者將於亞洲區大學進行為期一年的學術交流計畫。(因應疫情變化,暑期訪學如有需要可能改為線上交流。倘有進一步訊息,主辦方將另行通知。)


(1) a full-time position at a college or university in the United Board network (請詳見申請說明第5-7頁)
(2) demonstrated leadership within their home institutions, with the potential to assume larger roles and responsibilities. Preference will be given to those with substantial administrative experience;
(3) the commitment to return to their home institutions after the completion of the program;
(4) recognized as being thoughtful, respected, engaged, and dedicated to making changes within their home institution or larger communities;
(5) fluent in written and spoken English;
(6) under 45 years old by the time of application, or have at least 15 or more years of service before retirement at the home institutions;
(7) a doctoral-level or terminal degree preferred.

申請流程:校內甄選採書面審查方式進行,由校長決定之,獲得提名之師長仍需經過UB審核、面試,最終結果將於2021年2月中公告。更多資訊請參考附件及UB Fellows Program網站:https://unitedboard.org/programs/leadership-development/fellows-program/
